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What is brand authority and 5 simple ways to build it online

web design for life coaches

Brand authority is all about establishing yourself as a leader in your industry. It's the art of building a solid reputation, gaining recognition, and earning the trust of your target audience. In a world where trust is a currency, brand authority is like hitting the jackpot.

Brand authority isn't something you can precisely measure with numbers. Instead, it's a combination of various factors such as your industry expertise, thought leadership, social proof, and the overall perception of your brand in the eyes of your audience.

If we haven't had the pleasure of crossing paths yet, allow me to introduce myself. I'm Natalia, the founder of Green Studio Marketing, and I'm here to help you stand out, gain visibility, and sell with unshakable confidence, one website at a time. Today, we're diving into the captivating world of brand authority and exploring five simple ways to build it online. So, grab a cup of your favorite beverage, sit back, and get ready to thrive & shine!

The importance of brand authority and why you need It

First and foremost, building brand authority instantly elevates your reputation and establishes a sense of trust with your audience. When people trust you, they're more likely to convert into loyal customers and steadfast supporters of your brand. Who doesn't want that, right?

Moreover, brand authority opens the doors to increased visibility. As an industry leader, you become the go-to source for information, advice, and guidance in your field. This heightened visibility not only attracts more eyes to your brand but also helps you expand your network and forge valuable collaborations with other influential players in your industry. It's like having a VIP backstage pass to success.

And quite frankly, in a world with faceless marketing trends I’m all about truly building a brand that stands out with a unique voice, and so people
actually remember your name after a 6 second viral reel

A faceless marketing IG account, a generic linktree link or stan store checkout is not going to cut it if you truly want to build authority and a long-term online presence…

Here are 5 ways and different strategies to build brand authority online

Now that we understand the significance of brand authority, let's dive into five simple ways you can start building it online today. These strategies will set you on the path to becoming an undeniable force to be recognized within your industry.

1. Build a brand that demands attention

Craft a compelling brand story that resonates with your audience. Define your values, your unique selling proposition, and your brand voice. Authenticity and consistency are key here, so make sure every aspect of your brand reflects who you are and what you stand for.

But the secret ingredient here is to truly learn WHAT makes you different and WHY people should trust you. When you master your WHO,WHAT, HOW & WHY, everything else in your marketing efforts will flow naturally, I promise.

2. Launch a website so that your authority build far beyond social media and more people can find you online

A well-designed website acts as your online business card, showcasing your expertise and offering a platform for valuable content. Make your website visually appealing, user-friendly, and brimming with useful information that positions you as an authority in your field.

But apart from just making your website look “pretty”, having a robust & “on brand” website optimized with SEO, allows you to gain visibility on other platforms such as Google. That is when your brand lives online far beyond a 24-48 hr social media post, and when people who are looking for your services, can actually find you, regardless if they were scrolling through their feed or saw your stories.

3. Launch your social media presence

Social media platforms are a treasure trove for connecting with your audience and showcasing your expertise. Choose the platforms that align with your target audience and engage with them regularly. Share valuable content, engage in conversations, and position yourself as a go-to resource in your industry.

And no, you don’t need to be on every single social media platform. Pick the ones where your ideal audience is most likely to be active, and commit to the ones where you can be consistent on. 

For example if you are very motivated to build a robust social media presence, maybe you could start with IG and then expand to Tik Tok.

Or you could start the other way around, but you need to be aware that eac social media platform has it’s learning curve, so I’m of the opinion that it’s better to do things with your best effort and once you master one marketing channel, you can start building the next. 

I’ve fallen to the trap of wanting to do blogging, IG, podcast, Youtube everything at the same time, to only quit and stay consistent with the ones that feel easier. So instead of burning yourself out, pick one to start with, and then build from there.

4. Start a blog to grow your website traffic and build your domain authority

Blogging is an excellent way to establish your authority and share your knowledge with the world. Create high-quality, informative blog posts that address your audience's pain points and provide actionable solutions. Consistent and valuable content will help you gain credibility and attract a loyal following of readers that you can turn into subscribers if your blog is optimized to capture leads.

When you start adding high quality content to your blog, and other websites start linking to your resources, or you start getting featured in media and press websites, your domain starts earning “backlinks” or in other words, websites start linking to your site to share about you.

This is GOLD because this starts to boost your domain authority and starts telling Google that you are an expert in the niche that people are making buzz about, and a higher domain authority in the end starts to impact your search rankings and traffic.

5. Start a podcast 

Podcasting is a booming medium that allows you to reach a wider audience and showcase your industry expertise through engaging conversations. Start your own podcast and invite influential guests to discuss relevant topics. This not only builds your authority but also expands your network and attracts new listeners who can become fans of your brand.

Podcasting on it’s own is very relevant for building authority and it adds to your marketing strategy because apart from your blog or social media, a podcast allows you to have endless collaborations to expand your reach, grow a different audience of people who prefer to consume content in an audio format, and interact with other people. People love to be interviewed and you can always find different ways to build relationships in your niche with a high-quality podcast strategy.

The second win with starting a podcast is that you could also repurpose your podcast content and show up on YouTube with the same content for people who prefer to consume videos. Reach more people with the same content!

The difference between brand authority and domain authority and why it's important

Before we wrap up, let's address an important distinction. Brand authority should not be confused with domain authority. While brand authority focuses on your reputation and influence as a whole, domain authority pertains specifically to your website's ranking in search engines. Both are crucial, but building brand authority goes beyond just SEO rankings and encompasses the holistic perception of your brand that we have discussed here today.

It’s time to conquer the world and build your brand authority 

Remember, it's all about becoming an industry leader, building trust, and establishing your reputation as an expert in your field. So, take these strategies and implement them with enthusiasm and purpose. 

And if you're ready to take your brand to another level here are 3 ways I can help you:

Build your brand & content strategy

It's time to stop using viral hooks and content prompts and become a leader in your niche with a magnetic brand + content strategy that stands out, demands attention and turns strangers not just into clients, but into raving fans.

Grab my Compelling Content Toolkit

Plan your website

Learn the exact strategy your service-based website needs to get daily leads and convert visitors into clients and how to add personality to your words and connect better with your ideal clients.

Join my Website Strategy Workshop

Launch your blog

Learn how to create a year of strategic content that turns traffic into clients by just giving this strategy 4 working weeks per year. 

Join Smart Bogging Freedom Masterclass

Related reads:

brand authority

* AI Disclosure: This content may contain sections generated with AI with the purpose of providing you with condensed helpful and relevant content, however all personal opinions are 100% human made as well as the blog post structure, outline and key takeaways.

* Affiliate Disclosure: Some of the links on may contain affiliate links meaning that I will get a commission for recommending products at no extra cost to you.

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Hello! I'm Natalia. Latina, web design expert and SEO nerd. I help ambitious life coaches, therapists and holistic leaders amplify their magic, gain visibility, and simplify their marketing efforts through strategic web design and content.

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BTW, I'm Natalia

Web design expert and automation nerd

I’ve built an online business which has allowed me to double my income, and quit my full time job all thanks to one thing! 

After serving +100 clients and students across several industries, handling blogs and writing professional copy for clients,  I know the ins & outs of building a website that attracts and writing content that converts.

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